Friday, March 22, 2013


 1920x1200 Dark Forest wallpaper
I carry many nights inside me;
Now darkness engulf my days,
Life outsourced to some plonk in some dark alleys;
Thoughts lost in time and space,
I loiter in your dream as ragamuffin you hate,
Visions unfurnished, I remember each date,

Am I too late?
For your heaven’s gate;
Blood is always red,
I am ignorant;
You know the taste,
I am talking about peace,
Of mild sun rays!
Let us re-define togetherness;
I half heartedly stoop;
You are mesmerising;
Your look!
We can still walk by the brook,
God bless the martyrs,
The Martyrs of today are compromised;
Unsheathing freedom…so hard to see.
Hard to be!

The woods lost in the forest;
Stop counting them,
Whom do I blame?
When it rains and the storm follows;
When I see the horizon still lost;
When I hear noises but not your voice;
When I have no choice,

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