Saturday, May 19, 2012

Inspired By Tagore

Dear Reader,
I have been waiting for the certificate from the British Council and today I received this wonderful certificate from British Council for my contribution to the book (Sorry for the poor quality of the scan)

And the most important part is the free book which they have sent to all the selected contributions. The Book is edited by "Anne Cockitt" and " Miriam Pagano".

The book is divided into 2 parts - Writers age 8 -1 6 and writers age 16 and above. This carefully selected masterpiece is a must for everyone. Though i have just started reading, I can tell you that there is something for everyone.

The book has 393 pages and is priced at Rs. 250.

If anyone of you wish to buy the book INSPIRED BY TAGORE, Priced at Rs.250 they should write or visit Ratul Shankar, Udayan, 21A Hindustan Road, Kolkatta 700029.
Phone: 033-24640618



Criticize or laud, because whether it's critique or accolade, I respect and appreciate it.

My Poem on Radio
