Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Chosen One - Jess C Scott

Poet Q & A / 

Jess C Scott

With Sunday Blogging doing well; I am planning to introduce a new section where I will post details of interviews and experience with various writers and Poets. Today I would like to introduce you to Jess C Scott. Jess is an author/artist/non-conformist who’s dedicated to writing original stories that are both meaningful and entertaining. Most of her work is fueled by an intense drive to inspire others to favor social/spiritual values over shallow values.

Her website is

Her books are available in Amazon and I very happily recommend her work to you all poetry lovers. Please find below a short interview with this ‘Haiku Queen’

Describe yourself in 5 words:

Person behind jessINK dot com

Share a short excerpt and blurb of your work (10-100 words):

I wrote this a few years ago. Its in a (psuedo) haiku collection titled, Instantaneous (In)sanity.

Functions in Analysis
God made us a brain
To sustain the insane pain
Of testing its use.

Share an excerpt of your favorite poets work (10-100 words):

I have many favourites, but one that has always stood out is the Zen poet, Ryokan.

I like this one in particular.

Too Lazy to be Ambitious

Too lazy to be ambitious,
I let the world take care of itself.
Ten days worth of rice in my bag;
a bundle of twigs by the fireplace.
Why chatter about delusion and enlightenment?
Listening to the night rain on my roof,
I sit comfortably, with both legs stretched out.

Did reading a poem first spark the desire to write poetry, or was it an experience?:

I attended a creative writing workshop when I was nine or ten (which was how I was first introduced to the haiku 5-7-5 syllable format). I was drawn to the format because it was both fun and challenging. I write short stories and novels at the moment, though Ill always enjoy reading and writing poetry. It is a literary form which demands a high level of technical ability along with aesthetic appreciation!

What goal do you seek through your poetry?

Clarity of thought, precision, and transcendence.

Please share your #1 tip for poets/writers:

Keep reading and writing, and always be open to learning something new (thatd be my advice for anyone who wants to achieve something in life, not just poets/writers!).

Your websites/blogs/etc:

Have a great day!

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