Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Blogging – Rousing Cadence

Sunday Blogging – Rousing Cadence
I am really excited and we are really working hard on the book as we have less the 24 hours before I can send the final copy to my publisher. It is always good to have friends who can help you and I thanks Saru for all her help and support.  We have now closed on 7 Poets across the world and the book would have close to 50 Poems. The Art work for the book is coming from Seema Sharma who very kindly have supported us with few of her artwork.

We have finally decided on the below cover for the book:

We are just 10 -12 days away from the Go LIVE date. The book would be available in all the major websites across the world. 

I would like to thank all the contributors and special thanks to Alka Narula and Saru Singhal for all their help and support.

And yes… you can join us in facebook and connect with us in Twitter.

Facebook :
Twitter   : @RousingCadence

Write to us at

Watch this space for more details on the book .

Cheers and Keep Winning,



  1. All the best with the book. We all are thankful to you:)

    1. You have supported immensely...Thank you is not enough. I should meet and thank you when you are here in India next time :))


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