Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Saluting the great man- APJ ABDUL KALAM

 Image result for abdul kalam silhouette

You burned those bridges never to return,
bedazzled the ugly political stamp;
You redefined humbleness,
Never resigned!

Embodied humanity and enshrined their rights in every treaty,
Opening gates to smiling faces for every garden you owned;
Untiring – every moment you honed,
Every bit of your breathe immortalised,
You live in every youth of this mighty nation,
You – the educator and a preacher,
You – A life lesson!

You spoke to the skies with towering lights,
Flying above the ocean and beyond the horizon;
You radiated harmony;
You embalmed the poor,
Your never belonged to the community,
Never to colours;
You were the gardens of infinite flowers!
Igniting the young in every walk of life,
Igniting old in your own device;
Igniting beyond a nation,
Today you are the sunset!
And you will always rise!

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