I wrote this Poem few years back for a kid who wanted to present something to his class. It worked for him as a kid. I have not made any changes to this poem except 2 words and I hope you would be able to relate to this. Do leave your feedback.
Don't we all?
I was sitting in my old car
Close to the Sunday bar,
overlooking the crossroad not too far.
Young children in colorful dress,
Babies sticking to their mothers breast;
Sign of winter and the Christmas ahead;
my friend nowhere in this snowy bed.
Must be thirty, I saw a man
meagerly dressed and unshaved;
Lack of food and liquid intake.
I should run now or he would beg.

I moved away after seeing his face,
Haggard and gapped, lonely deep blue eyes;
I’ve seen his kind,
“Sir, help me’ their only rhyme.
Not once he looked at me,
never stretched his hands for alms.
I must move I know his kind,
After all I don’t have much time.
His stairs made me mad
and I thought of closing this case
by paying him off which makes some sense.
“Hey! You, Need some help? I told.
He looked at me, stood up with a nice smile and said
“Thank you sir, don’t we all?”
“DON’T WE ALL” How true is that,
Just three words, all said.
Haggard and gapped, lonely deep blue eyes;
I’ve seen his kind,
“Sir, help me’ their only rhyme.
Not once he looked at me,
never stretched his hands for alms.
I must move I know his kind,
After all I don’t have much time.
His stairs made me mad
and I thought of closing this case
by paying him off which makes some sense.
“Hey! You, Need some help? I told.
He looked at me, stood up with a nice smile and said
“Thank you sir, don’t we all?”
“DON’T WE ALL” How true is that,
Just three words, all said.