Thursday, August 20, 2015

All those things - A Song

All the good things and the bad things,
Everything makes my life!
I am crying and I am laughing,
As I am rushing against the tide;
All the good things and the bad things.

You wither with time, let not your soul,
Shifting targets of life, let not your goal;
All the small things and those big things,
Makes up to my race;
All the memories and those love thing,
Something I can trace,
Oh! All the good things and the bad things.

All the fun thing and the dreary ones,
What the mark-up in love’s price?
Sometimes the sad thing;
Always in the rise!
Oh! The good thing and the bad thing;
Who will pay the price?
All the small things and those big things,
The laughter’s and those cries
All the good thing

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