Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Those were the days!

Those were the days!
The school bus pulled in the corner,
Picking me one last time,
Good bye my beloved school,
Good bye one more time!
I am an adult now and ready for the big show,
I miss my folks, why do people grow!?
I miss the recess;
Unwanted races!
In the tapered corridors and in the forbidden garden;
The lovely girls will be missed tip toeing behind us,
From the refectory to the school bus!
Hush! Hush!
They say I am grown up and its time to make decisions,
That’s what we were meant for and therefore those lessons!
Every day, triumph seemed so close and rest is fate,
Hopelessly running in a game of chase!
Never the early bird but the last and always late;
Moving faster now I am trying to pick up some pace;
Real life is not the same taste;
Life – turning, twisting and a big test!!!

My School bag is long gone and maybe a pile of dust,
My friends all gone and few lost trust,
I may be roses or fall prey to cactus;
I may be the king or some other surprise,
I may follow the road away from my adored school tree;
I ponder this is how my life should be!
A school bag won’t last till eternity 
I still hear the school bell from a distant!
Bong, chime, ding, ring!!
I am growing old and rising tall!!
Jingle, tinkle and toll,

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