Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Euphemism - True Love

Euphemism – True Love
She dances with great élan,
And I dared her side long glance;
The plonk still strong in my head,
And I walked close to her space.

She murmured few magic spells,
The plonk still strong in my head;
I hope to prolong this date,
Eons gone I still feel her grace.

My search never ends,
I see the world go by;
Though I scopperloited the moment,
My hallucinations never die.

The scabiosa still in my head,
Good bye is not my asking;
It’s an inaudible and mute life;
My gulosity for your aura is never masking.

She said we will make it,
And she said I am a hero;
Shared time and many a kisses,
The unborn child and all riches.

I was a hero destined to win,
Always wild and charging;
My Steed shattered in this ancient ruin,
Good bye was never my asking;
Shamsud A.
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